Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let's Celebrate.... OHHHH!!!!!

Drumming... rapping... chanting... laughing... This is how we celebrate! Listen closely, and you'll hear me forget my child's name - (what else is new?!).  Look carefully, and you'll see the mess that was made. Clearly we are not a perfect family.  But guess what?? We still celebrate!!

Creating a celebratory environment in my home is not always easy. Often times, I have to choose to the find the good, amidst all the screaming, the fighting, the tattling, and the constant nagging. I have to release the vision for my "perfect children", embrace who they really are, guide them with discipline and love... and celebrate!

Every day. A choice. An intentional, deliberate effort. It's never forced. It's never made up. We simply celebrate something.  We celebrate when a child clears the table. We celebrate when one sibling helps another with the seat belt. We celebrate when we find that lost toy. Sometimes we just celebrate who each child is. Period. And my favorite? Oh, my favorite is when the kids are playing independently, and I overhear them celebrating each other!

Celebrate... Just a little something I do to survive in these mean streets of homemaking!

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
~1 Thessalonians 5:18


  1. Amen, Amen, Amen...we should all learn to celebrate each other.

  2. I LOVE THE CONCEPT of celebrating each other. I may have to implement my own version in the Smith household. But for real...was Tre influenced by Mystical the rapper in his former life! WOW! LOL!!!

  3. You have a wonderful perspective Keli! Love this Blog! Oh, did I tell you that I love this Blog? Okay! I love this Blog!
